It’s Gonna Be Worth It

October 14, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

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I’ve had a rough stretch over the last couple of years. I think I hear God’s Voice and do my all to follow it. Sometimes I’m right on. Sometimes I’ve missed it. I don’t understand how I can ask God, pray and seek and still sometimes miss it.

But I guess that’s part of being human. It doesn’t mean I can’t hear God’s Voice. It doesn’t mean I don’t hear God’s Voice. And the results don’t always mean that I DID miss it. Sometimes life just happens. Sometimes I heard and others messed up. Sometimes I heard and it was the journey that I was supposed to experience. I don’t get it, but I know that it is worth it.

Olympia Snowe Must Go!

October 13, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

By now you have probably heard that Olympia Snowe was the lone Republican to vote for the socialist health care bill. She was also one of 3 republicans to support massive government spending throughout this year.

She must know there are consequences to her vote. You can contact her by phone at (202) 224-5344 or by fax at (202) 224-1946. Here is a list of her local offices.

This is the fax I sent. You may copy or modify it as you wish.

Dear Senator Snowe,

I am writing about your vote on the health care bill. I am not a resident of Maine but your vote affects me, my family and this entire nation. You were wrong to vote as you did. I urge to vote against the legislation when it reaches the floor as it will bankrupt our nation. I am unceasingly committed to financial and time support for anyone who runs against you should you not vote against the final bill.

Very Truly Yours,

Happy Birthday USA Navy Anchors Aweigh

October 13, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

Today is the birthday of the United States Navy. Thank you for keeping us safe. Hug and thank a sailor today!

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Are Power, Ego & Compromise Ok?: Conservative Rules For Radicals (Part 4)

May 11, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Politics

As conservatives we value the independence of individuals. We defend truth. We take the moral high ground. We are bold and courageous…or at least we want to be. And we look at liberals as mealy-mouthed and more about tactics and winning than about truth. But you know what? They look at us as power-hungry and greedy, selfish and uncaring. The point is that we all look at each other from our own prism. And unless we understand the prism of the other we cannot win politically or ideologically.

Today our prism says the left is in a rapid march to grab power. But you know what? So are we. Power is not wrong. The use of power can be wrong. The means to obtain the power can be wrong. The intoxicating affect of power can be wrong. But power is not wrong. We must have power if we are to get anything done. We just don’t like it when the enemy has power over us. And that’s what we are experiencing right now. Politically there is little we can do. We can threaten to throw our elected officials out and we can revolt. That’s what we have today.

Neither a physical revolution or a revolution at the ballot box carry much threat. They are hollow. They enemy knows that today (maybe not tomorrow or next week, but today) they would quash a physical rebellion in a minute. The political machine and the will of the people are against that and physical rebellion today would set the cause back years or decades. What about the ballot box? Well that is light years away in the shifting sands of politics. Yet still we must find power if we are too accomplish anything.

Where will this power come from? It comes from playing to ego and capturing self-interest. Conservatives are often to nice to voice reality. We want high minded ideals. But what we need is motivating hot buttons. The hard cruel reality is that people act in their best interest almost all the time. Our job is to show them how we are their best interest.

To win we cannot get people to vote for a “conservative” or the “GOP.” In modern society we have presently lost the war on those words. That is because they have been marketed to have negative connotations. They do need to be redifined, but that will not happen in a day. But most people are more conservative than they think. When you start talking to them about things like securing our borders from illegal immigrants, getting the government out of the abortion funding business, and lowering taxes, people want that. Our problem is that we have been lazy and have not spent the time talking about the real issues.

Our other problem is we have refused to listen. People will not change their ideals to fit us. We must change our message to fit what is important to them. Notice I didn’t say we need to change our ideals. That’s where this whole “big tent” argument goes awry. People will always vote their primary motivating factor and will tolerate non-preferred platforms if we are THE answer to their primary motive.

But what we must do is what liberals have successfully done for the last 50+ years. We must inch our way toward our ultimate goal. Compromise has gotten a bad name. Take abortion for instance. I am flat out against it. But you know what? Today we are not going to have abortion banned in America. You don’t compromise on the platform, but while we bicker about it amongst ourselves babies are getting slaughtered. We CAN attack liberals on federal funding of abortion, especially in this economic climate. And when we win that we go after the next thing and the next and the next. It is not a compromise of principle it is a political reality. Failing to compromise and accept intermediary success creates permanent failure.

You know we do everything we can to save one baby in the pro-life movement (using my example). We celebrate it and appluad it. Sometimes we even cry over it. At the same time our refusal to compromise, not in the end goal but in the intermediary steps, is causing the needless death of tens of thousands of babies. We need to start thinking of the end and figuring out incremental change. We celebrate that change then move another step forward. That is how the liberals have done it and we need to learn from them.

In part 3 we explored how to determine what means are acceptable given your end goal. In part 5 we will look into how to educate an organizer.

PS This too is a rewrite of a post taken down by hackers. That’s why it might look familar.

The Example of Peter

May 10, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

I love the apostle Peter. He was passionate and real. He attempted big things, succeeded to great heights and had great failures. But he was never mediocre.

When Christ called Peter as a disciple he immediately gave up everything he had every known, threw down his nets and followed this guy he had never before met. Then when Jesus told him to launch his boat out into the deep to catch fish Peter immediately followed and did so. You know what’s amazing about this? Peter was a life long fisherman. He had been fishing this spot all night and caught nothing. Jesus was not a fisherman and had not been fishing this spot all night. Peter knew there were no fish there but he, in all his human wisdom, did not argue with Jesus. I want to be like that, submitting to the word of Jesus even if it does not make sense to my human mind.

Though he was zealous to follow God in every way, Peter still struggled with his humanness. He argued over who would be the greatest in the kingdom of God. He was a tool of the enemy trying to keep Jesus from His death. Though He followed Jesus with reckless abandon, when left to his own devices he still saw things with his eyes and not with his spirit. He saw things as they fit his little world and his ideas. But Jesus saw each detail in the perspective of all eternity. He saw that sometimes horrible things must happen so that God’s end purpose could be worked. He viewed human life not from a moment but from the lens of the entire life. Oh that God would give us that insight and faith.

Then Peter failed. He had been in close intimite contact with Jesus himself for 3+ years and in his best friend’s deepest hour of need Peter denied he ever even knew Him. Oh the pain to Jesus. But oh the pain to Peter. Can you imagine what it would have been like to live with yourself after that? The utter disgrace, humiliation and shame to know that you are the kind of person that could do that to your best friend. Oh man, that would be painful beyond belief.

But precious Jesus brought about restoration for Peter. As Peter had denied Him three times, Christ asked him three times if he loved Him. And after lovingly accepting Peter back, Christ commissioned him to “feed my sheep.”

God has a plan and a purpose for each of us. We have natural gifts and talents and they take us a certain distance. But in order to grow beyond our giftings we must reach that point of absolute surrender to God. We must reach the point where we submit what our humanity knows is true, where we submit all of our fears and failures and all of our giftings. God does not need us. But He wants us. When we let go and trust Him, He will transform us and blow us past the human limits of our natural giftings. And together we will change the world!

These thoughts are taken from Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray. It’s a most excellent book that everyone should read at least once in their lives.

My Letter To Congress Requesting Impeachment of Nancy Pelosi

May 9, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

Nancy Pelosi has been pulling a number on the American people for far too long. Her list of sins is long and notorious and would fill a book. But this week we were given a gift. Pelosi, ever the political machine and liar, came out boldly denouncing people for their involvement in waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques at Gitmo. When asked if she knew of what was going on, Pelosi was adamant that she did not. Well low and behold, Nancy Pelosi, third in line for our presidency, was specifically briefed on EITs as early as September 4, 2002. In the wake of 9/11, and the political demands for retribution and victory, she raised no objections to these techniques.

Impeachment is appropriate for any public official whom the House of Representatives believes engaged in inappropriate, impeachable conduct. Censure is a public admonishment and finding of inappropriate behavior by a public official. Both are appropriate remedies for Pelosi, though impeachment would be sweet. Here’s the letter I wrote to my Representative. You can cut, paste and edit as you wish and email through the House’s email system.

Dear Rep. Clay:

I am disguisted by the members of Congress who have used our national security for personal political gain. In particular, Speaker Pelosi supported Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EITs) in 2002 when it was politically expedient for her to do so. For your reference the CIA memo showing she was briefed on these techniques can be found in part here

Now, when it is politically popular with far-left radicals to denounce waterboarding and other such EITs, Speaker Pelosi has been out publicly demanding the prior administration be investigated for these techniques. Her actions are despicable. How much longer must this nation suffer under her totally inappropriate actions. We demand more of our leaders than this. We demand our leaders be people of integrity and honesty.

I may not like Speaker Pelosi’s policy, but this is not about her policy. This is about how she conducts herself as a leader and someone entrusted with public confidence and the authority of the people. This is one of a large number of her violations of the public trust and we are not going to take it any more.

This shall serve as my request to open an investigation into the actions and activities of Speaker Pelosi to review them for censure and impeachment. I think the full weight of the evidence is strongly supportive of these remedies. Please report back to me your intentions regarding my request.

Very Truly Yours,

Lisa Krempasky

10 Ways To Change the World In One Hour or Less

May 8, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

Everyone thinks it takes so much time and effort to change the world. Well it does. AND it doesn’t.

Here are some simple things you can do right now, today, this weekend to change the world. Doing your part keeps the momentum rolling in the right direction. We WILL provide hope and change this nation can believe in.

1. Write a blog post. The more conservative points out there the better. If you don’t want to start a blog, be a guest commentator on another blog.

2. Encourage a conservative blogger with a comment. Obama has caused a conservative blog explosion, but many don’t have a lot of followers. It’s nice to have readers, but even nicer to have comments and props. We don’t want people falling by the wayside. Support them…and click their links. Income always helps.

3. Attack a liberal blogger’s premise with a comment. Liberal blogs are almost like listening into the seventh grade lunch room. You will get a lot of response if you address their arguments with facts and logic. Some of the more intelligent ones will even thank you for pointing out the log in their own eye. Really. I’ve had it happen. Use their tactics against them. One of my favorites is to criticize them for attacking conservatives. It is utterly inconsistent with their worldview that everyone is allowed to express their own opinion except for us. Hold them to their own standards.

4. Write a letter to Congress. Emails are great. Letters are better. Faxes are best.

5. Visit your Congressman’s local office to discuss an issue that is important to you. You will be amazed at what an in person visit will accomplish.

6. Talk with your child’s teacher about something in the classroom that concerns you. Most teachers like feedback and you can swing what is taught not only to your child, but to the others in the class as well. Many teachers will seriously consider your input. Liberals are doing this. We should be too.

7. Take voter registration cards with you to soceer and baseball games. And don’t play so nice. If you know someone is a liberal don’t register them. They would not register you. We want to win! But many of your friends are not registered. You can usually download the form to carry with you. Google your state + voter registration to get a state specific form.

8. Protest and/or pray at an abortion clinic. It is not scary and will be very significant and meaningful to you and the mother and hopefully the baby. Saturday mornings are best for this but other days may be good in your area. Just being there makes a difference. You don’t need to talk with the mothers. As little as an hour can make a world of difference. I routinely hear reports of mother’s who decided to keep their baby just because someone cared enough to stand out front of the abortion clinic. You can be polite and non-offensive and very significant at the same time.

9. Help your neighbor. We’ve gotten so busy in life that many of us don’t even know our neighbors anymore. I live in a very liberal part of town and have had more opportunity to speak intelligently with the “enemy” just by talking with them as humans while we were working on a project. They will learn you are caring and compassionate. You will learn they are good intended, if misguided. And both you and they will be surprised at how close you actually are politically. This is part of changing the conversation. People are much more conservative than they think they are when you start talking about actual issues.

10. Buy a soldier a cup of coffee. My brother is in the Air Force. He sometimes tells stories of someone paying for his coffee or whatever when he is in uniform. These guys carry a huge load, really it’s the weight of the world, on their shoulders. It is unbelievable how the little kindness of buying their donut or their kids pack of gum or whatever makes such a huge difference to them. Thanks soldiers for all you do.

If you sit down and think about it you will see that there are hundreds of little ways you can be part of the change you want to see in this nation. We already are because we are good, decent, honest people but little actions make all the difference.

Go Team! Go! We are right! We WILL win! This nation does not belong to them. It belongs to US!

Your Favorite Talker Off the Air? Find Them Here

May 8, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

This is just going to be a short little post. I’m personally not a big talk radio person. I find myself getting too involved in the shows and then I can’t get anything done. But I know a lot of you guys are rabid fans.

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of messages from people wanting help because their favorite talker is off the air in their market or the time slot has been reduced. Well TalkStreamLive is a resource you need. It picks up the live webstreams from a variety of talk radio stations nationwide. You can see where your favorite talker is being broadcast at the moment and listen to them live on the web virtually 24/7.

I’ve also started a resource on this site for conservative podcasts and internet radio. If you know of one, please contact me at [email protected] and I’ll get them added. Please don’t assume I have your link if you’ve sent it to me previously.

Good News Report From the National Day of Prayer

May 7, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

I’ve been going to the National Day of Prayer for many years now. This year there was a marked difference. Usually the meetings are ecumencial and trying to bring everyone with such diverse backgrounds together without people being uncomfortable with the format. That’s no easy task as we all know.

But this year there was a fire in the prayers, perhaps even a desperation. Though the churches were just as divided as the country during the election I got a sense that people are starting to get that everything is not okay with this country. People are starting to grasp that the nation is now on a new track which in unashamedly no longer a Judeo-Christian track.

Reserved little old ladies with their hair up in buns were praying with the zeal and fervency of a 16 year old. This was not your standard “God bless America” prayer meeting. Not that there is anything wrong with those meetings. They are good. Keep them up! But this was more “God we need You! We are lost without You! Would You please turn this nation back to You?” It was passionate. It was exciting. It was real. The crowd was much larger than in past years. Probably because of the sense of desperation. One thing the president doesn’t get about Christians and conservatives is that persecution does not scare us off and cause us to shrink back. It emboldens us. It makes our convictions stronger. It makes us more determined and more resolute to never, Never, NEVER give up. They cannot have our nation! And the prayers and crowds today reflected that.

There was another thing that was surprising to me. I went to City Hall after the National Day of Prayer to do some actual business. (Living in a large municipality there were many venues observing today.) When I got there, they were still tearing down from the main event. Here I stood in the glorious and gorgeous main hall of county government and there were flyers about prayer. In addition each of the several offices I went into had flyers also. And there was not just the main prayer event from 11:30 – 1:00. Starting at 8:00 in the morning there was a box set up and a person manning it. You could take individual personal prayer requests and get prayer on the spot and know that people were going to be praying for you again later. I would go so far as to say it was shocking to me in this day of the ACLU that such open and obvious Christianity was permitted in the seat of government.

It was a good day. It was a very good day! Pray Team! Pray

Using the Left’s Tactics Against Them

May 7, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

This is a repost lost when my server was attacked and taken down.

The left is very smart. They don’t want justice. They want to win. We are not like them, but there are a few things we can learn without stooping to their level.

The president has done a lot for the conservative movement. We are on fire and we are letting our voice be known. Finally! The liberals are internet light years ahead but we are catching up rapidly. Go Team! Go!

The newest liberal tactic I’ve seen trending is that they are targeting conservative blogs and their topics with advertising. Well known blogs and websites get advertising dollars from specific advertisers. But young and upstart websites often don’t have the traffic or resources to get traditional advertising dollars. Many of these blogs rely on advertising “agencies” such as google to provide us with advertising dollars…or pennies.

Liberals have caught on to this and in another attempt to silence our voice have started targeting our blogs with their own ads through google. They are trying to siphon our readers off with their message. Well this is what I say. When you are on your favorite conservative blog look for targeted advertising from the enemy. When you see it, don’t avoid it. Click it. This supports your favorite blogger and gives them more resources to get the word out. It also costs the enemy money. Fight fire with fire. If they want to advertise to the conservative movement we are happy to take their money and plow it back in to defeating them and their message of destruction.

Go Team! Go!

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