Prayer For the United States

March 29, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

We need God to visit this nation and turn us back to our roots. We need to know and love God above all else. We need to know and love and serve our fellow man secondly. Lord we need your mercy!

Lord would you give us governmental leadership that hears and follows your voice? Give us leaders of Christian conviction that will tear down the altars from the high places. Give us leaders that are righteous and will lead us down the path of righteousness. Give us leaders that are moral and just and right and true. Give us leaders that have a hunger and thirst for You. Give us leaders that know the God of the Bible and the Bible of God.

Lord would you give us a nation that respects life? Hear the blood of the unborn crying out. Lord have mercy and give us a culture of life.

Lord would you bring reconciliation to this nation? Reconcile blacks and whites and all races. Reconcile men and women. Reconcile old and young. Reconcile rich and poor. Reconcile educated and uneducated. Reconcile liberal and conservative. Lord have mercy!

Lord would you restrain evil in our land? Where our laws are wrong make it clear and give us the courage to change them. Interfere with the plans of the enemies of this nation and the enemies of God who have plans to invite more evil and darkness in. Lord have mercy!

Lord would you cause a massive turning to You? Would those who know You take up their cross daily and follow You? Would those who do not know You come to know You as Lord and Savior? Lord have mercy on the people of this nation!

Lord would You reconcile the denominations to each other? Reconcile protestants and catholics. Make us one people under God. Let us walk in unity and not be concerned with building our own kingdoms. Make us one body functioning together, each doing his or her respective part. Lord have mercy!

Lord would You cause all priests and pastors and other spiritual leaders to only speak true Biblical concepts. Remove man’s interpretations and watering down of the Gospel. Lord we lift Your name up. Change or remove leadership that tries to lead Your flock away with sweet and deceptive words. Lord have mercy!

Here’s a live prayer set asking for God to come visit this nation.

If you would like to joing us in praying for the nation come to the All IHOPers and Prayer Warriors on Facebook Group