Sign the Petition to Cut Off Acorn Funding by Michelle Bachmann

October 20, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

ACORN is a thorn in our flesh. They take our tax dollars and use them directly to undermine our way of life. Their funding may be cut off partially or temporarily, but we need it cut off permanently.

Rep Michelle Bachmann has put together the following online petition.

“President Obama, I urge you to immediately suspend all federal agencies from doing business with ACORN and using our hard-earned tax dollars to perpetuate their scandalous work. The Senate voted overwhelmingly to cut off ACORN. The House voted overwhelmingly to cut off ACORN. And, now individual states are taking this action as well. We want to know when you will use the authority you have to suspend and bar ACORN from federal funding.”

Hold Fast by Mercy Me

October 20, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

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Are you hurting? Have you had enough? Are you undeserving? Hold Fast! Help is on the way. God is faithful and will not let you go. Please do not let go.

Send This Letter In Favor of Tort Reform

October 19, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

Tort reform is a HUGE topic which I will not attempt to address completely here. The basics are that we have too many lawsuits. I think we can all agree on that.

One way to lessen the burden of lawsuits is to ask our Congressmen to limit the amount of money a person can win in a lawsuit. These limitations do not limit the amount of actual damages you can collect. If you truly lose $10M or $10B, a jury can still award you that money. What it does limit is the amount of pain and suffering damages and/or punitive damages a jury can award. These are often called punishment jury verdicts and they cost businesses billions of dollars per year. And what costs business costs us because they pass the costs along in increased prices.

One thing you can do right now is send a letter to your Congressmen and women. Sick of Lawsuits has already written the letter for you. You just need to put in your contact information, print and mail. Your Senators and Representatives will be automatically selected for you based on your address.

Every letter helps. Tort reform is KEY to the reformation of our health care system since doctors are fleeing cities and states where juries give up large verdicts by the droves.

Together we can save this nation. Go Team! Go! never, Never, NEVER quit.

I Am Colt McCoy True Success

October 19, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

The world says a lot about success. Colt McCoy of the University of Texas speaks on what true success is for him. It’s on putting God first and being second.

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I am Lisa Krempasky and I am second.

Lord Moncton: Obama To Cede American Sovereignty

October 17, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Politics

I dislike alarmists, but if Lord Moncton is correct we are headed not only toward political collapse and the One World government, but the end of days as predicted in the Bible.

This treaty should require congressional ratification and I will keep you updated on what you can do to voice your concerns.

Jesus Is Coming. Are You Ready?

October 17, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

On The Channel 2 News With Betsy Bruce

October 15, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

Here is my illustrious channel 2 news interview.


Betsey Bruce also added an additional quote of mine to her written report. I suggest cleaning up the fraud, waste and abuse in the current health care system.

Thanks for watching and reading. We can change this nation guys. We can do it. Go Team! Go!

Want to get on the news yourself?

How To Get Interviewed By A Reporter

October 15, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

Today I went to Vice President Joe Biden’s speech on the Economic Recovery Act at the police and fire training center in Wellston, Missouri. As expected there was not much I agreed with in the speech, but this post is not about the topic of the speech.

Instead I would like to focus on how to get interviewed by the press. I did not go to the event with that intent, but sure enough it happened and Channel 2 ran my interview. Here’s the video of me speaking with Betsy Bruce.

This is what I did to get interviewed.

1. I got to the event early giving me time to meet people and pick a location to stand/be seated.

2. The place I chose to stand was by the press area. Organized events likely have designated press locations. All of those reporters need quotes and people to fill out their stories.

3. Prior to the event I chatted with reporters and they asked me to come back afterwards to discuss my views.

4. On the way to the speech I thought of the one question I would like to ask the vice-president. That question was “How will we possibly pay for all this?” That question also set me apart as a person who was not a guaranteed supporter of the speaker.

5. When chatting with the reporters they asked me what I would ask the vice-president if I had the opportunity. They are looking for both sides so being in the extreme minority opposition there was a high probabiity they would run my interview.

6. After the speech I went back to the reporter. She was genuinely glad and quite friendly. She had the camera turned on, asked my name and its spelling and generally where I lived. I assumed that was for their protection. She then asked me questions about our prior conversation and had follow up questions which surprised me.

7. When she was done she thanked me.

8. I eagerly awaited the news to see how the story was edited. Much to my pleasure Betsy Bruce gave a fair representation of my comments.

So let’s get out there loyal opposition and let our voice be heard. We can make a difference!

Bring The Rain

October 15, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

Hard times abound. We are lied to, beaten down and abused. Why?

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We go through the hard times to point us to the Lover of our Soul. When all has failed, when we have been disappointed, when our hopes are dashed…that is when we cling to God. He is the ONLY One who can make it right. He is the ONLY one who can bring good from the situation. He is the ONLY One. Cry. Cling. Cleave. You are greatly loved.

I Can Only Imagine

October 15, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

Some days in this life are so hard I have to focus on eternity.

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