No Worries…Really, No Worries

March 5, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

I’m a stresser. My mom is a worrier. If I’m not where she thinks I should be she’s thinking about calling hospitals. Not me. I’m a stresser. It sounds better.

Worriers are old ladies. Stressers are busy, important, type A movers and shakers. Me a worrier? Never.

Worriers are afraid. I have no fear. I stress. God tells us to trust and not worry. I don’t worry, I stress. I’m too spiritual to worry. :-)

So they are obviously the same thing — stress and worry. Both are about control, or the lack thereof. When I think about it, it’s really kind of silly to be concerned about control. Heck, I can’t even control myself, what makes me think I can actually control others or circumstances or anything else for that matter?

So I’ve been thinking about stress and trusting God. I mean He’s the only One who can control people and situations anyway. Why do I put myself in the place of God and try to figure it out? Seems to me my stress is just to reveal to me an area I have not yet yielded to my Lord. It shows a part of my life I think I can handle on my own. It is some piece I don’t think God will work out for my best.

So when I stress I try to view it as an opportunity to turn over another part of my life. Stress leads me to surrender which places the burden of the situation right where it belongs…on the shoulders of my Lover, in the arms of the One who cares more for me than I do for myself, the One seeking to perfect me. I yield control. And in the yielding I can say “No worries.”

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