The Eye of the Beholder

April 1, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under faith

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. These are some things I find beautiful.

An 80 year old woman
A 20-something who stands against their culture and wastes their life pursuing God
A 64 1/2 red mustang convertible
A child’s dirty face
The prayer from a broken heart
The check that finally came in the mail
Watching someone sing a song they just wrote
Sunrise at the beach
A flag draped coffin
A 9-year old boy who just won the game
A 5-year old in a field of daisies
A friend who sees the best no matter what
Storms — physical and spiritual
1980s music
Black & white photography
Prayer rooms
The night sky
My Lover’s Voice
Catching an enemy off-guard
A 75-yard touchdown pass
Jets (planes, not football)

The most important part of this list is what it does not include. Beauty is not the media hype. It is not in perfection. Beauty is in the everyday things and people that we see 100 times but never notice.

Even when times are hard and things have you down, beauty surrounds you. You will make it through. Take a moment today and thank God for all the beauty He has given you. Take time to notice. Take time to enjoy, soak in and rest in beauty. Look in the mirror and see the beauty in you. You are God’s precious creation designed in His image. You are created and destined for greatness. You are beautiful.

What would you add to my list? What is beautiful to you?

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One Response to “The Eye of the Beholder”
  1. Katie K says:

    I’d like to add:
    A baby’s bare bottom
    A baby’s bare tummy
    A baby’s gamms
    A baby’s bare toes & fingers

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