April 15 Tax Day Tea Party

April 14, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

Tired of government spending trillions and trillions of dollars? Want to call the government to financial responsibility? April 15, 2009 is your day. Protests against big government and big spending have sprung up all around the nation. These protests are designed to focus our government on the fact that we are weighted under a burden of debt so great there is no realistic way we can pay it back.

What are Tea Parties?

Tea Parties are local gatherings of people after the manner of the Boston Tea Party. With no national organization each tea party is different and meets the needs of local citizens. Many tea parties are acutally held on bodies of water where tea bags are opened up and dumped into the water as a reinactment of what happened in Boston Harbor December 16, 1773. Some people come dressed in historical garb. Many come with signs. Some organizations will be having voter registration drives. Some will be gathering food for the hungry to show the government that we will take care of those in need if the government leaves us to it. Most gatherings will have patriotic speeches and songs. To find your local tea party check out http://taxdayteaparty.com/

Kids at Tea Parties

Tea parties are an effective civics class for your youngster. They can see first hand how people redress their government and get ideas of how to be active. They also carry an important message since it is them and their children who will be paying for our massive debt.

Debt Problem

Are you aware that we still have not paid off the debt of the New Deal in the 1930s let alone the massive debt we have incurred since then? In the last 6 months alone our government has become responsible for $11 Trillion of additional debt. This is in addition to the $10 Trillion national debt that we have been borrowing over the generations. Do you know how much the interest at 5% on $10 Trillion is? It’s $500 Billion per year. That is interest only. That is before we pay back even a penny of debt. That is before we face the huge weight of social security for baby boomers. That is before we have universal health care. That is before all the other massive spending programs that are coming.

We cannot sustain the debt load. Everyone knows this but us. Other nations have quit lending us money because they realize there is no way to pay them back. That is serious business. When nations quit lending us money how do we pay back our debt? The way to do so is through growth which, even at the height of our market bubbles, is not fast enough to keep ahead of the mound of debt. The only other way to do it is through inflation. If the government prints money the value of each dollar goes down. It may cost $2 to buy a loaf of bread today but when the government starts printing money to pay back its debt that loaf of bread is going to cost $5 or $500. In Germany, after World War I workers had to be paid twice daily. They were paid with wheelbarrels full of cash and immediately went to spend them because if they waited even a few hours the money they had just been paid would no longer buy food for the evening meal.

Will it get that bad in America? I don’t know. But so far our government leaders are denying the basic economics of their actions. Money does not grow on trees and the only realistic option for paying back the debt is to print more money. However, our economy will likely have a rebound for a little while. Jobs will come back. People will believe it is all okay, because we have to believe that because the other option is too fearful. But the day of reckoning is coming. And someday this avalanche headed toward us will bury us.

So get out April 15 while there is still a chance to reverse the financial course of this nation. Get out and tell your legislators that they must become responsible. Tell them that anyone who will not stop the debt will be removed from office. Make it in their best interests to hear your voice. Make it in their best interests to be responsible. Together with a loud voice millions of us can make a difference.