City of Burleson Texas Attempts to Quash Tax Protest Tea Parties

April 3, 2009 by Lisa Krempasky  
Filed under Action Steps

Support the rights of Americans to petition our government for redress!

Breaking Christian News reports:

According to local organizers, unelected “street supervisor” Ray Gonzales, informed them that he was going to prevent the event from happening.

Mr. Gonzales told organizers that he is on a special events staff, which is under the city manager’s office in Burleson. Gonzales explained to one local organizer that the special events staff had decided this protest was “not in the public interest.” He is telling organizers that David Wynn, the city manager, is his boss, and could overturn this decision. For the record, the city manager’s office told local organizers that they do not need a permit to demonstrate in Burleson, and they are not saying that the organizers need one now.

I will post an update as soon as I get one from the local organizers, but I have been told that Mr. Gonzales is trying to get the Texas Department of Transportation to stop the tea party from happening.

Those who cherish liberty must stand with our friends in Burleson, Texas, and demand that the local government immediately drop all attempts to cancel the Burleson Tea Party.

Sample Email. Here’s the email I wrote. Copy or modify as you will.

Dear xxx,

It has come to my attention that the City of Burleson, through its street supervisor Ray Gonzalez, has decided it is “not in the public interest” for local citizens to participate in a tea party. This position is deplorable, in direct contravention of the Constitution and virtually unthinkable in a free society.

This shall be my demand that Mr. Gonzalez be reprimanded for his attempts to chill free speech, that the city and its employees and representatives immediately drop all attempts to cancel the Burleson Tea Party and that the city make a public announcement of the event in an appropriate forum so that those whose First Amendment rights have been trampled on by these egregious actions know the event is still on.

Tea Party Details

Call and email them now!!!

Burleson Mayor Kenneth Shetter

Burleson City Manager David Wynn
kmearns@?burlesontx.?com (817) 447-5400 x 234

Burleson City Council

I can tell you that the people will show up anyway, but we need to send a message to the city of Burleson, just like we did in Cape Coral, Florida.

Burleson Tea Party

April 15, 2009
3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Across the street from Wal-Mart
951 SW Wilshire Blvd.
Burleson, Texas 76028 (?burlesonteapart?y@?gmail.?com)?